Several viewers of our Spring MVC course have reported problems in importing the project code that is supplied with the course.
I should really have shown the steps on the videos as it can be quite awkward in Eclipse. There are several different ways of achieving this, but these steps work best for me:
1) Your “Practicals and Code” download contains a “Starting Workspace” folder. Open this as a workspace in Eclipse.
2) Once Eclipse is opened, you will notice that the left hand panel (Package Explorer) is blank.
3) Select “File -> New Java Project”.
4) The workspace contains a folder called “MVC Project”. This is the project folder. On the New Project wizard, type in exactly the same name – “MVC Project”. On typing the final character, you will see that several options are grayed out, and a message is displayed indicating the a new project based on the existing source is going to be created.
5) Click finish, and a full project should now appear in the left hand pane.